Toronto Campus

Bible Faith Church of Toronto (BFCT) building is situated on the north side of 326 Rexdale Blvd in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. It is located between Martin Grove and Highway #27 in the city of Toronto.

You can also enter the building through the BACK ENTRANCE. Parking for all congregation participants and visitors is situated at the end of the drive way located at the back and north side of the property.
As you enter the property you will find the MAIN ENTRANCE on the right side of the building where you can let your family or friends out and then proceed along the driveway to the parking lot. Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) and Mississauga Transit (Public Transportation) stop directly in front of the church.
You may enter the building through the MAIN SIDE ENTRANCE.
Once you enter the building through either set of doors you will be welcomed by one of our Bible Faith Church greeters or ushers with a handshake and a friendly face. They also have any information you may need. You will then make your way to the Grand Foyer.

All proceeds of the sales at JACOB'S WELL CAFÉ go to our Missions projects. You will notice the “piazza style ambiance” where you can enjoy coffee, tea or water and relax in the European café style tables.

"Come enjoy the presence of the Lord at Bible Faith Church, a growing church with you in mind!"

KOINONIA HALL is where all our in-house fellowship takes place. This room is set aside under the guidelines of our Pastors for Church parties and function. We, the pray-ers at BFC, are committed to pray without ceasing.
At BFCT we aim to provide a friendly and peaceful atmosphere where everyone feels welcomed (no previous church background necessary). Dress is casual or tailored. The choice is yours. We want you to be comfortable.
Church service starts at 7:30 pm on Thursdays and 10:30 am on Sundays. As you enter the main sanctuary, an usher can help you to a seat if you need assistance. The BFC worship band will sing a mix of mostly contemporary fast and slow Christian songs. The words are projected on a large video screen above the band. You may see people raise their hands in praise to God as they sing; others may just watch and sing quietly.
After about 15-20 minutes of singing, either Pastor Gaetano or Pastor Natalie will introduce everyone to the message for the service and teach/preach for the next 25-35 minutes. Pastors Gaetano and Natalie’s messages are Bible-Based and will challenge and encourage you right where you are in your journey with Jesus. Their style of teaching is practical and easy to listen to, often illustrated with humour and media elements. All messages can be found on our YouTube Channel or Podcasts.
Following each service there will be a time for prayer with those that desire prayer. The band will usually sing one more song. Pastors will dismiss those that need to go and you will notice that some stay to help in prayer. Around 12:30 pm Sundays or 8:30 pm Thursdays, you can expect for the service to end. Both Pastors are available to talk in the sanctuary or in the grand foyer following the services.
Our Welcome Team can direct you to the Child Registration area or other locations throughout the building. The CHILD REGISTRATION AREA is located down a few steps near the Baptismal Font in the grand foyer. Children can be safely checked into our amazing children's programs that operate during regular services.
“CENTRAL SERVICE” is a special ministry time for children and youth of all ages. The aim of this service is to teach God’s Word in a relevant, dynamic way and to expose young people to the changing power of Holy Spirit. Young people are encouraged to take part! Every service begins with the Youth leading praise and worship. The young people then go to age specific groups to dig deeper into the principles they just heard about.