
The City of Toronto has a population in the millions; with the surrounding cities the grand total is closer to 6.5 million people.  In this GTA, it is now the fourth largest in North America. We can readily see that we have a tremendous opportunity to reach men, women and children with the gospel of Jesus Christ.


Welcome to 2025 - The year to THRIVE fully ALIVE!

even when we were dead in trespasses, made us ALIVE together with Christ (by grace you have been saved) - Ephesians‬ ‭2‬:‭5‬ ‭(NKJV‬‬)

In this month of January, I want to once again set out our priorities for all campuses at Bible Faith Church. It is important to keep these principles before our eyes and minds at all times; and let it be part of your heart. Our priorities basically consists of reaching those individuals who are truly searching for God and teaching those precious people who truly want  to be taught God’s Word. Below  is a point form outline of our common goals.

December Message

Some thoughts about the upcoming Christmas season - Part 2

As you focus on this festive month, turn your attention on the Babe-in-the-manger and do not forget the reason for His birth. It is not enough that you celebrate the birth of the Messiah; you must also celebrate the reason for His
entrance in the world.

November Message

Some thought about the upcoming Christmas season - Part 1

Although it may just be November you need to begin to think on one of the most important times of the year. Christmas is more than just “a time” of year. It is truly a season that allows you to reflect on the birth and life of the most influential Person who ever walked on this earth.