
Welcome to 2024! In this month of January, I want to again set out our priorities for all campuses at Bible Faith Family of Churches. It is important to keep these principles before our eyes and minds at all times; and let it be part of your heart.

Our priorities basically consists of reaching those individuals who are truly searching for God and teaching those precious people who truly want  to be taught God’s Word. Below  is a point form outline of our common goals.

To Establish Strong Local Churches - Internal Culture

Full Service Church Campuses

  • Services designed to honour God and minister to all who attend.
  • Support groups that minister the Word of God and genuinely help people mature.
  • Mentoring programs for all ages.

Delivering the message using all forms of technology

  • Website, emails, texts, messaging, podcasts,TV radio, etc
  • Any other forms of media transmissions to spread the Word of God.
  • Truth of God’s Word proclaimed without compromise.

Full Training Centre

  • Classes and programs to teach the Word of God in a systematic way.
  • Equipping all believers with the correct biblical tools.


  • Minister and reach out through missions and evangelistic events.
  • Create atomspheres and avenues for marketplace ministries.


  • Events, gatherings, presentations, interactions, coffee shops and other places for the purpose of fellowship among believers.
  • Places where hurting people who want help can truly find it.

Worship of God

  • A place where people who desire to worship God in the Spirit with Holy Spirit gifts in operation can attend.
  • Services, special times of worship, training and teaching on worship.


  • Prayer services, prayer teams, special times of prayer.
  • Other prayer endeavours with leadership.
  • Churches where sacrificial giving of time, effort and money is practiced.

To Maintain Mission Mindedness - External Culture


  • Each participant is to recognize that they are an “Ambassador for Christ”.
  • Effecting the community by outreaches, visits, ads, and invitations BFFC campuses.
  • Other innovative and God-honouring approaches to proclaiming the Word of God.
  • Supporting other ministries and agencies in accomplishing the spreading of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
  • Offering training participants to do their part in the Great Commission.


  • Support ministries and agencies that spread the Gospel across the nation.
  • Visiting short-term and long-term care facilities, and engaging other sites to teach and preach the Word throughout Canada.
  • Help establish other works for God in Canada.


  • Support ministries and agencies that spread the Gospel throughout the world.
  • Send trained participants to other sites to teach and preach the Word throughout the world in either short term or long term endeavours to such places as, China, Egypt, Italy, Serbia, Philippines, India and other nations as God directs.
  • Help promote the international outreaches of One World Missions of Canada.

As we start this New Year of 2024 let us work together to accomplish ALL that God has for us.

Let’s find our place in the various ministries above, so that we can see the full manifestation of God’s power and let’s continue to say the following with sincere conviction,“I’m believing to be at the Right Place, at the Right Time saying the Right Thing and the right thing to say is the Gospel of Jesus Christ.