The City of Toronto has a population in the millions; with the surrounding cities the grand total is closer to 6.5 million people. In this GTA, it is now the fourth largest in North America. We can readily see that we have a tremendous opportunity to reach men, women and children with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Interestingly enough Jesus said some important words regarding the Harvest of Souls that has direct application in our situation.
Luke 10:2 - Then He said to them, "The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few; therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest
Jesus said four very important things to his disciplines about Harvest Time. If you can see them and follow his direction, then we can have the heaven intended results that Jesus desires.
- Jesus said the Harvest is GREAT
If the harvest was great then, you can reasonably conclude that the harvest is even greater now, not only in Toronto but across the earth. They tell us that in the last one hundred years more people have lived on the earth than the last 4000 years. Jesus’ words are truer now than ever before. You need to take advantage of more opportunities to spread the gospel because more people are available to hear than ever before.
- Jesus said the labourers are FEW
It seems that labourers for any endeavour are in short demand and the gospel proclamation is no exception. Jesus explains that there are a disproportionate number of people who need to hear the gospel relative to the people who will tell the story of redemption. This was the situation then and it is even more real now. The realization of this fact is to motivate us to act and do what is necessary to ensure that the mandates of heaven are completed on the earth.
- Jesus said to pray about the situation
Jesus instructs you and I to pray. He reminds you that help for any situation is found in Heaven.Your contact with heaven through prayer is your guarantee that you will accomplish your God-given task. Prayer is the vehicle that connects the unseen world with the physical world that you live in day-to-day. One of the greatest weapons against your enemy is the ability to pray and hear instructions from Heaven. Your prayers are to be concise and accurate if you desire exact results.
- Jesus said to pray for Labourers to go into the harvest
Jesus instructs you to pray specific things. Ask God the Father to send out labourers in His harvest. Those workers are to be bold and unashamed. Men, women and children who do the work of the ministry, although they may need be in “full time ministry” do the work of an Ambassador for Christ.
God wants His harvest cared for so He is willing to fund the efforts providing the labourers are willing to GO and TELL the story of Jesus. Pray that believers will have that heart-cry of Holy Spirit to see souls saved and people lives transformed through the power of God; labourers who respond to Him because they know Him.
The J.B. Phillips’ translation of Luke 10:2 is: “There is a great harvest,” he told them, “but only a few are working in it—which means you must pray to the Lord of the harvest that he will send out more reapers to bring in his harvest.”
The Message Bible paraphrase is: “What a huge harvest! And how few the harvest hands. So on your knees: ask the God of the Harvest to send harvest hands.”
This month ask God to send you out as a “HARVEST HAND” and to send others as labourers as well. In addition, as you start this month let the following thought be at the centre part of your heart. “I’m believing to be at the Right Place, at the Right Time saying the Right Thing and the right thing to say is the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”